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Q: What type of Income Tax are presently served by CreativeLawyer?


1. Zero Income Tax return (Without Certificate): 

If you are doing a single job and your Taxable Income is below 250,000, then you need to submit zero income tax return and you can get income tax processing service as low as 1,000 BDT. Note that: Only return slip will be provided & Formal Return certificate will not be provided.

2. Zero Income Tax return (With Certificate): 

If you are doing a single job and your Taxable Income is below 250,000, then you need to submit zero income tax return and you can get income tax processing service as low as 2,000 BDT. (Note that: Formal Return certificate will be provided).

3. Income Tax return (Without Certificate): 

If you are doing a single job and your Taxable Income is above 250,000, then you need to submit your income tax return and you can get income tax processing service as low as 1,500 BDT. Note that: If you have another income source (Business, Consultancy, House rent, etc) in this case, your service fee may increase & Only return slip will be provided & Formal Return certificate will not be provided.

4. Income Tax return (With Certificate): 

If you are doing a single job and your Taxable Income is above 250,000, then you need to submit your income tax return and you can get income tax processing service as low as 2,500 BDT. Note that: If you have another income source (Business, Consultancy, House rent, etc) in this case, your service fee may increase and Formal Return certificate will be provided.